English V at LDVHS

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Are our schools safe?

In light of the two recent school shootings, I wanted to know how you feel about safety in school. Are we safe? Is anyone really safe? What should be done to make our schools safer? Many schools are installing metal detectors to check for weapons. Many of you mentioned the issue of safety when responding to the posting on cell phones. We have an open campus here. Should that be changed? How can we all work together to make sure we are safe?


Blogger lonnie said...

Safety in school is very important and as a daVinci student I feel I am safe. Even though we are on an open campus I don't think my safety is in jeopardy.So I think daVinci should stay on the college's campus. At daVinci I think everyone is safe because we haven't had any situations to prove otherwise. Altough I believe myself and others are safe at daVinci anything can happen anywhere. So we must protect ourselves. Other schools have to go to extreme measures to protect themselves with devices like metal detectors. For daVinci I don't think this type of safety measure is needed. Making public schools safer should be based on previous situations that have happened in that school. So for each school it would differ. Some schools might need more severe actions than others. To make sure daVinci continues to be the safe school that it is, everyone should just use their judgement to help others. If they feel someone's safety is in jeopardy they should make an adult aware because they might not only be helping that person but many others also.

2:40 PM  
Blogger DiMaYeDV said...

I feel that we are partly safe a da vinci. I think that the shootings that have occured are heart breaking. Due to these events I don't feel safe in an open campus anymore. Any one can just come in and go as they please with out being a student or a staff member. I think that the metal detectors are a good way to keep any type of weapons out of school. As I tied this back to the cell phone policy, I realized that cell phones are not bad to carry around. The girl who ot shot at her school was able to communicate with her parents through a text message. Eventhough her last words were, "I love you guys", she was able to tell her parents something before she died. It is sad that these events are occuring but violence has always been part of our everyday lives, thet is slowly escalating up.

Since this blog is about our opinions, I feel that I have a right to state what Im about to write. I understand that security guards deal with alot. For example Mr. Yates had bus passes, lockers, ect. His job was to be watching for our school, but many of us felt that he was not a good one. We based this just on the fact that most times he was outside smoking ciggarettes. All I'm trying to say is that maybey more than one security guard would make me feel some what better, due to our position in a college campus. I do feel more safer than Grover, Seneca, Lafayette or any other public high school in Buffalo.

We should have safer entrances, metal detectors should be placed, and since we are in a open campus security should be increased. Violence is always going to be part of our lives, b ut kids should feel safe in school, and those children who died in the shootings, were innocent and didn't deserve to die. School should be a safe place were blood shouldn't be present outside of peoples bodies and text book writting(teacher lessons).

9:23 AM  
Blogger TeXanBaBii said...

No, I really think we are safe in our school. And for those schools with metal detectors, there is alays a way around those. But for our school, we are in a college building so you really do not need an ID to enter our building. Maybe to roam da Vinci's hallways, but our hallways only make up part D'Youville's building. Meaning if there was a bomb, just da Vinci would not be affected. What could we do? For da Vinci, I have no clue how to improve our security, because it's not like we can require everyone who enters the building to have ID because it would inconvenience the college students. I guess we just trust and pray...

8:03 AM  

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