I'll take care of that tomorrow...
Why do we procrastinate so much? Why is it that we put things off (or sometimes not do things at all) knowing full well that we are going to suffer for it later? From papers that are due, to cards needing to be sent, to phone calls needing to be made...what makes us fool ourselves into believing that it will all work out or that things will "magically"take care of themselves? Do you ever put things off and try to fool yourself into believing that things will be OK? Why do you think we do these things?
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Wow, that is a great question that i wish I had the answer to so I could fix it! I do procratinate though. I always put things off untill the day before it is due, and then I am just stressing. If I could just time it out, I'd be set! Like with a five page paper due in a week, I could simply do a page a day. But nooo! I always take the hard route and do it the night before. Whoever finds a remedy for this problem...LET ME KNOW!!
I think everyone procrastinates so much because there is always something everyone would rather be doing instead of what they need to do. When something else is holding your interest your going to put off the important things for a later date and possibly not do them at all. In reality we know that we have to make the effort and work so are tasks can be completed. Due to the fact that we don't want to be bothered at the time we tell ourselfs that it will work out in the end and we start to believe it. Not until reality sets and it hasn't all worked out in the end we now know what we should have done. Yes i do put things off because everyone would rather be doing something else besides work, but either way I always complete my assignments and hand them in on time.
Procrastination is natural and not one person can ever say that they never procrastinated before. I believe people procrastinate for either two reasons:laziness and/or stress. For example, this school year I have been really stressed, therefore I procrastinated or did not do things, like homework, at all. I also think it all depends on what we should be doing whether we'll procrastinate or not.
I can call myself a procrastinator, eventhough I can be a perfectionist at times. Yeah I do hope and wish that things would "magically" be done on their own and in the way I want them to. When I put things for later is usually because they are not my number one priority at the time. I also may do that beacuse I know that I have time to get things done. For example when we may get weeks to do a project or a paper, I'll usually do it 2 to 3 days before they are due, especially when I know that the assigned task is easy. I also may do this because, I myself work good under pressure even though it freaks me out. I know that good things take time and effort, but my work is always presentable and accurate.
I love the saying "EASIER SAID THAN DONE", because we can all relate to it. We say "I'll do it later" but when it really comes down to it, it may be hard for us to get things done because we wasted so much time. Also high school seniors like myself and my fellow classmates like to blame our lack of doing things with time to SENIORITIS, but it's that really fair?. For example when I don't do my math homework in time I just say forget it I dont't feel like doing anything I have senioritis. It's not really true, I just don't feel like doing it or I know that I have time to do it in study hall so I leave it for later.
We should really just get things done when we have the chance to because, if it's easier to do things when we have the chance to, why make it harder on yourself.
Well, I can honestly say that I am one of the many people you are speaking about. Im not realy sure why I do this but I do very often. I guess that sometimes I feel like the best thing would be to do something when I have more time but ironicly that time usualy doesn't come, and even though I am very aware of this I still find myself doing it over and over agian. I can explain why because I realy don't know why, but its a habit I hope to break.
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