English V at LDVHS

Sunday, December 10, 2006

High School Lessons

Ok Guys...I want you to really think about this one. I'll expect a response by Friday, December 15. Here it is...What is the single most important thing you learned in high school? (Think about this as if you were talking to someone who was just about to enter high school) I can't wait to read your responses!


Blogger Samantha said...

Wow.. I think I've learned so much in high school but the one thing I would have to say I've learned is... who I am. I always knew who I wanted to be but I think da Vinci showed me how to be that person. All the curve balls, all the drama, the fights everything, I think it's taught me more about myself than I knew possible. I didn't come to da Vinci to make friends(Vicki), I came here to get an amazing education and along the way people grew on me. I created life long memories, life long friendships and life experiences. I never thought it would fly by this fast and now were in the middle of December it's almost over it make you think, like what is going to happen now. In 6 months were walking across a stage, a stage that I know I have dreamed about walking across since freshman year (even if it is on top of lunch tables) but now, it's a wierd feeling. High School taught me to live life to take it by the horns and never give up. And if you're lucky when you feel like giving up you'll have the support to get back on track. I've learned so much, how to love, how to be a good friend, but how to be me. No strings attached, what you see is what you get. So to all my friends and even my enemies, thanks for helping me become the person I am today, thats what I've learned in High School.

6:25 PM  
Blogger Vicki said...

Mrs. Hannon,

That’s a VERY good question. If you didn’t say to mention one single thing, my response would be very long
Even though we go to school for a better education, when I think about “that one thing”, education does not come to my mind. Don’t get me wrong, I do my schoolwork and have learned a lot over the past three and a half years. However, the most important thing that I learned is a lesson about myself. As you might know, I significantly changed since my freshmen year. My look, style, and my whole outlook on life took a full “180”. I have learned a lot about my strengths and weaknesses. I found out things about myself I never knew. I learned how important education is, how hard you have to work to get what you want, what is important in life and what really isn’t/ or won’t matter in the future, and also what a true friend is. I am sure you will get this one a lot, and I am fully aware that we are not here for friends, but growing up with these certain “kids” who I cannot live without has taught me a lot about friendships. I am very grateful for everything that high school has taught me over the years, and know it will “ come in handy” for the rest of my life.

7:21 PM  
Blogger Angela said...

I think the single most important thing I have learned in high school is to be responsible. There are expectations that you have to meet and if you don't meet them you fail. In grammer school, if you missed work, you just begged the teacher to give you another week or so. But in high school its not really like that. But that helps you prepare for college. You can't fall behind in high school, because when you fall behind everything is still moving oh so fast, and its all on you.

5:46 AM  
Blogger Pimp Kt said...

Omg so bascially this response is taking forever because I had to make a new account! but im back! so here I go. The most important thing I have learned is that you can't trust a lot of people. People will stab you in the back and not even think twice about it. I've lost many a friend the past 4 years at da vinci and it hurts because if they were really my friends they would have stayed by my side no matter what and they didn't. You have to learn not to take things for granted.

5:48 AM  
Blogger KHannon said...

I am testing this blogger-

8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the most important thing I learned while being in high school is that you cannot try to be friends with everybody. Usually things are good between all of you and the next thing you know you said the wrong thing and it's over and done with. I'm one to know that because I lost a very loyal friend to something so stupid last year and it sucks. I also had friends who turned their backs on me because of he said she said instead of trusting my word of being a friend. That is why it's best to watch out whom you befriend, you cannot trust EVERYONE!

8:57 AM  
Blogger tamicolemcclam said...

The most important thing that I've learned in high school is the different types and stages of mathematics...........But also high schhol helped me to think before i act, and to brainstorm and gather my thoughts. I think that hight school helped me mature, and better myself as a indivisual and a student.

9:00 AM  
Blogger kellymarth said...

Well, I think I have learned many things in high school. The problem is I don't remember half the things I learned in classes. Even then, if you do remember what you learned in classes, WHERE will you use a box and whisker plot? WHEN will you need to make soap out of Crisco?! I think I have made my point. I think you learn about yourself. You learn how to act like an adult, how to talk to adults like you are an adult. All that good stuff. I actually think that this is important; you need all that good stuff when you have a real job. Not just some crappy one at Anderson's where you write, speak, and act in a more mature manner than a thirty year old. I swear, my manager is on a writing level of a toddler! :)

Hope you have a good Christmas!!!

8:08 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

I think the most important thing that I have learned in highschool is to not slack off (espically in math). I always think when am I actually going to use some of this stuff in my life. And maybe I won't use it in my life, but wouldn't you rather want to know these things then to not be educated at all? You can't fall behind because most of the time teachers aren't going to baby you through every single thing just because you were absent.
Another thing you learn in highschool is who you are. When you come into highschool your still so young and you don't really know what you want in life. By the time your a senior you pretty much learned who you are, figured out what you want to make out of your life, and you grow up so much.

8:17 AM  
Blogger April said...

Wow! Thats a hard one, I honestly don't know. I've really learned so much. Not just the school work but a lot of other things too. Highschool is a very important part of growing up, finding yourself, making mistakes, and learning from them. Over all I guess the most important things I have learned are, to be yourself no matter who doesn't agree because you aren't here to please anyone, take life seriously because nerver know what can happen, you controll your futuer and where you end up by the choices you make today, and HAVE FUN!!!

8:23 AM  
Blogger lonnie said...

The single most important thing I learned in high school is that everyone can't be trusted. Coming into high school as a freshman its natural that your going to make alot of friends. Your also going to go through new experiences and naturally your going to share them with your new friends. At the time it seems like the thing to do but in the long run you might realize other wise.

7:16 AM  
Blogger melanie said...

The most important thing that I have learned in high school is that people will always speak their opinions, even when it's not asked for, and that you can't always take their opinions to heart. If you always take what people say about you to heart, you'll live your life trying to impress other people than making yourself happy.
Another thing I have learned is that you can't trust everyone and you can't try to be everyone's friend.

5:46 PM  
Blogger Maude Phillips said...

High School has been a journey for me. During these four years I have learned a lot of life lessons. Like how not to lock your keys in your car while it was running! lol! More importantly I learned how to learn. What study habits work best for me. I learned what is an appropriate work load. Also that, no, I can't take on the world by my self. I am excited to use all of the lessons I learned in high school in college.

9:27 AM  
Blogger Tiera said...

Well over my past 4 years in high school I have learned many important things. However the most important thing is something that I learned senior year that almost affected my future. Anything you need done for college do the most you can BY YOURSELF. Don't depend on anyone to ''have your back'' not even school administration (counselors). Look up deadlines for everything including but not limited to application deadlines and schlorship deadlines. You should also look into college fairs and open houses because you are NOT told about all of them. Hopefully you can use this info and use it don't learn the hard way, like I had to.(LOL)

8:05 AM  
Blogger shedevilzzz101 said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

5:18 PM  
Blogger shedevilzzz101 said...

The single most important thing I have learned in high school would definetly be how much a students reputation means. If a student is constantly in trouble, constantly getting bad grades, and constatntly being disrespectful, you have gained a bad reputation with teachers. Whether teachers admit it or not, they do have favorites and least favorites and the teachers are less lenient towards those students with the bad reputation. Also, when you need teacher recommendations and you have a bad reputation...who will you turn to?

5:20 PM  
Blogger kaitlyn said...

(Sorry this is a little late- my google account finally decided to work again)

To me, the most important thing I've learned in high school is being able to judge a person's character. You need to learn whether or not you can trust the people you associate with. Think about it: do you want to be associated with someone who is known as a liar, or a cheater? I think not. Once you enter high school, everyone stops playing nice, and some people start playing dirty. Someone could pretend to care about you, but then stab you in the back in the end. That's why you need to be able to judge whether or not a person is trustworthy. No one is as simple as they seem.

5:07 PM  
Blogger kellyg said...

I think the most important thing that I learned in highschool is to figure out who you are. I was always try to be my sister Christine. It hit me my Sophmore year when Chris left, I was trying to be like her and it was tearing me up inside. I had to compete with her in everyting but I did not really know that I was taking away my individualism. I could be my sister any longer I had to be Kelly. It was not until last year that I reslised that begin in someone elses shadows makes people like of you less. I have never had the advantage of being me, my parents did not even know who I truly was or even what I really liked. My parents knew only Christine and her little sister as their daughters. You have to believe in yourself because if you don't then no one else will. I believe that I can make a difference and that is the most important thing to me.
( I am sorry it is so late.)

8:30 AM  

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